Hey! When are you guys moving?  That’s the kind of well-meaning question we get every time I encounter friends and family, and honestly, I haven’t a clue! This has been a project where both Jim and I have struggled. That’s okay to say, isn’t it? The hardships only make the finish sweeter!

Jim and I had a once in a lifetime opportunity to purchase my ancestral homestead that was neglected for well over 30 years.  Most would have bulldozed it and just kept the building site, but Jim is a man of vision, so, he is committed to saving the house. This one is a struggle as our boys, our strength, have grown and flown the coop.

Part of homesteading that few realize until that reality hits is when your good help grows up and leaves. As a family, we remodeled 19 houses over the last 34 years, and they have all been exciting as we planned and worked side by side as a family unit. My favorite memories and some of our best life discussions with our sons came about as we worked on a project together.

Jim taught our sons not only how to work but how to take on new projects with purpose and drive. One of the best gifts you can give your children is a positive work ethic and a love for work.

But we have done our job as parents, and they are off busy with their own lives.

Our son, Josiah makes time to come work with his dad several times a week for which we are grateful, but as this project is very labor-intensive and we also need to create new structures for our flocks, we are moving at a pace we can survive.

When are we moving? I don’t know. But we are choosing to enjoy the journey which is key to a happy life. I am grateful for the privilege of being a steward of our original homestead. Stay encouraged! I am!

Anne May