Has the thought of making homemade mayonnaise ever crossed your mind? I understand you may think it’s easier to pick up that mayo jar off the grocer’s shelf, but once you taste homemade, I think you will be hooked! It’s so much better than store-bought because there is none of the chemical stabilizers and preservatives needed to give the manufactured brands shelf life. The only downside to fresh mayonnaise is that without those additives it keeps for just a few days. Most recipes only make a cup or two, so it’s perfect for ham or turkey sandwiches or making curry chicken salad or coleslaw.

There are two schools of thought on homemade mayo, the classic using only egg yolks and the quick method that uses a whole egg which makes the mayo set up easier.

I love the traditional French method where you hand-whisk for just a few minutes with only a few ingredients. The trick is using stainless steel bowls. I picked mine up at Buchheit. That is harder than it looks so let’s start with a straightforward recipe using a blender. The most important thing to remember about making homemade mayo is to think slow. When you get ready to pour in the oil, pour it slowly allowing the base mixture to receive the oil. Let’s make some mayo.

Recipe for Homemade Mayonnaise:

There are many recipes and ways to make homemade mayo, this one is a sure-fire success.

2 eggs

1 teaspoon garlic

1-2 teaspoons mustard

2 teaspoon lemon juice

1-2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar

Blend ingredients in blender at low speed until frothy. Slowly in a tiny stream, add up to 2 cups of oil. It’s your choice but light olive oil or grapeseed oil work well. Continue to add oil until the mayo is thick and will not take in any more oil.

Once you start, you may never go back to purchased mayonnaise. You are entirely in control of what goes into yet another ingredient that will impact your family’s health. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Be blessed!  Ann May