Squirrel Appreciation Day

Squirrel Appreciation Day is January 21st. These mammals  can range from half an ounce to four pounds and there are over 300 species worldwide. The most common breeds in Midwest are the fox, gray, red, and southern flying. Red, fox, and gray squirrels are diurnal, or active during the day, while southern flying squirrels are nocturnal. Contrary to their name, flying squirrels have extra skin on their sides which enables them to glide, not fly. Due to predation, lack of habitat, and vehicles, squirrels have a relatively short lifespan. Most squirrels live for approximately one-two years. Squirrels generally make...

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National Bird Day

Did you know that up to 12% of all species of birds may be at risk of becoming extinct in the next century? Bird Day was founded to raise awareness of the importance of birds and the daily challenges they face. This day was chosen to coincide with the annual Christmas Bird Count. This event lasts for three weeks and is the longest running citizen science survey in the world that helps to monitor the health of our nation’s birds. Avid birders and the public explore their region and record the number of native and wild birds that they...

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Happy New Year

January 1st offers an opportunity for many people to have a fresh start. On New Year’s Eve, many people resolve to change and improve themselves as they transition into a new year. Most resolutions can be classified into four categories: self-improvement, weight related, money related, and relationship-related resolutions. In a University of Scranton study 75% of resolutions were maintained through the first week, 71% past two weeks, 64% past one month, and 46% past six months. Here are some tips for setting and keeping successful resolutions: Set intentions instead of musts —An intention is an aim towards the direction...

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Wishing You a Very Merry Christmas!

Here is a brief history of this holiday:   When most people think of Christmas, they are reminded of decorating trees, putting up bright lights, and exchanging gifts. For many, this holiday has a more significant meaning as it honors the birth of Jesus Christ approximately 2000 years ago. Did you know that in the early years of Christianity, Christians did not celebrate Christmas? The Bible never mentions December 25th and early Christians could not agree on the date that Jesus was born. It was not until the 3rd century when Christmas became the official holiday celebrating the birth of...

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2nd Annual Wreaths Across America Buchheit Trip

 In 1992, Wreaths Across America was founded by Maine business, Morrill Worcester to continue and expand the annual wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington Nation Cemetery. The organization’s mission “remember, honor, teach” is carried out each year by coordinating wreath-laying ceremonies each December at Arlington, as well as hundreds of veterans’ cemeteries across the nation. Now a 501(c)(e) non- for-profit and national organization, they lay wreaths in over 900 cemeteries throughout the United States. Last year, Buchheit Logistics donated a transport of wreaths to honor our fallen veterans and Logistics driver and Army Veteran Thomas Tinnin picked up and delivered the wreaths. Seeing the success of last year, Buchheit Logistics donated the transportation of two loads of wreaths this year. The journey started in the beginning of December when Buchheit Logistics drivers John White and Jim Griffaw headed to Maine to pick up wreaths to lay on the headstones of fallen soldiers. John White is a native of St. James, Missouri and joined the United States Marine Corps in 2007. In 2009, he was deployed to Iraq where he was stationed at Al Asad Air Base. He was honorably discharged after serving in the USMC for four years and began working at Buchheit Logistics in 2013. Jim Griffaw a Cape Girardeau, Missouri native joined the Army in 1986. He was assigned to patrol the Korean Demilitarized Zone from 1986-1987. Ten months...

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