Buchheit of GreenvilleDid you know that up to 12% of all species of birds may be at risk of becoming extinct in the next century? Bird Day was founded to raise awareness of the importance of birds and the daily challenges they face. This day was chosen to coincide with the annual Christmas Bird Count. This event lasts for three weeks and is the longest running citizen science survey in the world that helps to monitor the health of our nation’s birds. Avid birders and the public explore their region and record the number of native and wild birds that they spot.

Here are some ways that you can help attract birds around your home.   

  • Put up a well-ventilated bird house—lack of habitat is one of the main reasons for the decline in population 
  • Install a bird bath—this helps provide a constant drinking and bathing source 
  • Provide bird feeders—be sure to change and clean them on a regular basis and place them in a safe area away from any predators
  • screen-shot-2017-01-04-at-9-50-11-pmCreate a diverse habitat— planting native grasses, flowers, shrubs, and trees in your yard provides shelter, a place to nest, and food sources

In addition to a wide variety of wild bird seed, feeders, and houses, Buchheit retail stores also offer free Buchheit Buddies events catered towards helping our feathered friends. Past Buchheit Buddy events helped children make bird houses and bird feeders that they could take home and put in their yard. These interactive events show kids that wildlife conservation is fun and easy while also raising the awareness of wildlife conservation.

For more ideas on how you can help, please visit What you can do to help birds.