Lincoln’ Birthday

Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth president of the United States and was born February 12, 1809, and assassinated April 15, 1865. The United States Code, Title 4, Chapter 1, Section 6 (AKA the Flag Code) specifies days in which it is particularly appropriate to display the US Flag. You are encouraged to fly the flag on all days that do not have inclement weather, but the flag should be flown on February 12th, Lincoln’s birthday. Here are some facts about President Lincoln: He was the tallest President at 6 feet 4 inches. Lincoln is in the Wrestling Hall of...

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Bird Feeding Month

“Come feed the little birds. Show them you care and you’ll be glad if you do. Their young ones are hungry their nests are so bare.” -Mary Poppins February marks National Bird Feeding Month. In 1994, John Porter proposed this idea to promote the importance of birds to the United States Congress.  “During this month, individuals are encouraged to provide food, water, and shelter to help wild birds survive. This assistance benefits the environment by supplementing wild bird’s natural diet of seeds and insects.” Today, bird feeding can be educational, entertaining, and an inexpensive pastime that both adults and...

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Groundhog Day Craft

On Groundhog Day, February 2nd, 1934, the groundhog did not see his shadow…so, Rudy Buchheit decided that day would be a great day to start a business and the rest is history! The Buchheit Family of Businesses grew out of a small business that hauled rural merchandise from St. Louis during the Great Depression. In 1934, Rudy Buchheit started by hauling livestock hay, and corn to residents of Perry County while also running a general store located in Biehle, Missouri. When it was opened, the store was stocked with $250 worth of groceries, 50 gallons of salted herring, 50...

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Peanut Brittle Day

January 26th is peanut brittle day and here are some facts about this holiday. Brittle is a type of hard sugar candy with that is broken into flat pieces. It is unclear when this sweet treat was started, but most accept that it originated in the United States. Several written accounts state that this confection was created by mistake. In the 19th century, a New England woman was making taffy and instead of adding cream of tartar, she accidently put baking soda in the mixture instead. This created a hard sugary substance that was later known as brittle. This...

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Popcorn Day

At Buchheit, visitors are greeted by friendly faces and the smell of freshly made popcorn. Even though National Popcorn Day is January 19th, guests of Buchheit can receive a free bag of popcorn anytime they visit any of our stores. Logan Buchheit said that his favorite part of the store is the “family atmosphere when you first walk in. It has that simple living, country feel to it and the free popcorn makes it more than worthwhile.” In the stores, we use Nancy the Popcorn Queen’s recipe. At a manager’s meeting, each store brought in a sample of their...

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