Gale's FamilyHello everybody my name is Gale a.k.a. “the big guy in bibs” if your looking for help in the farm department at Sparta Buchheit’s. I’m a fairly basic person, and was born and raised in southern Illinois where my family has been rooted for generations. I live my life by the three F’s “Faith, Family, and Firearms” and yes in that order. My faith runs deep I never have any doubt that the crops I plant, animals I raise, or hunts I go on will be blessed and bountiful to provide for my family. Speaking of family if it hadn’t been for both of my grandfather’s and my father’s commitment to family I wouldn’t be the man I am today, a very proud husband and father. Providing for and protecting my family is my life, and that’s how we get to the third “F”. Firearms play a huge roll in my life and are a great asset. Using firearms properly and safely is very important, from hunting and putting meat in the freezer to keeping varmints from destroying my livestock. For me, owning them is a must.

screen-shot-2016-10-30-at-11-41-34-amscreen-shot-2016-10-30-at-11-41-44-amHunting and training hunting dogs, fishing, farming, raising live stock, gardening, canning, whatever it takes to take care of my family is what I do. Doing all of this to get your own groceries is fantastic and with all them groceries your going to need some recipes. If we get real lucky I can talk my wife out of some of hers. Fingers crossed!

Sounds like a lot of work I know, but it’s so worth it. I am determined to make sure this knowledge continues on through the generations of my family, and if I can help teach others that’s just a huge bonus for me and would have made my grandpa bust with pride. Helping others was always very important to him, and something he instilled in all of his grandchildren.

That is my heritage and my way of life and in the words of my grandpa “I’ll tell ya how if you’re willing to listen” or in this case read.