Do you have a “Bernice” in your family? Her granddaughter was riding in the parade for prom Queen, and Bernice promised she had captured the moment on film. The shot turned out to be just tires and asphalt! Even if you aren’t an outstanding photographer, photos of your homestead help you look back and remember how much you have accomplished.

We have made progress on our new homestead, but much of it has been very labor intensive. The entire project has been run on a shoestring budget. It has been an exciting challenge to watch my master craftsman husband come up with an ingenious way to stretch our budget.

This building is made from recycled garage doors and patio windows. This smart idea works by fortifying the old with strong new lumber.  

New building materials from my local Buchheit include treated lumber for the flooring, flashing, studs and roofing materials. Jim also repurposed many items that would have been thrown into a landfill if it weren’t for Jim’s intervention. Yes, Jim is a pack-rat, but I am hoping to keep this place from looking like Ma and Pa Kettles’ with proper planning. One way to save money is to have plenty of supplies on hand.

The building had a more polished look once Jim installed the barn metal he purchased from Buchheit. He fired up the sprayer to give all surfaces a unifying finish. I should be able to supply our family with fresh greens all winter in my modified greenhouse.

Don’t be afraid to try your hand at recycling; it’s one of the hallmarks of frugal homesteading. Be blessed! Ann May