Saturday, May 19th is Armed Forces Day. This day was created to replace separate Navy, Army, and Air Force Days. The one-day celebration stemmed from the unification of the Armed Forces under one department–the Department of Defense.

This day “welcomes the opportunity to pay special tribute to the men and women of the Armed Forces…to all the individuals who are in the service of their country all over the world. Armed Forces Day won’t be a matter of parades and receptions for a good many of them. They will be in the line of duty and some of them may give their lives for that duty. It is our most earnest hope that those who are in positions of peril, that those who have made exceptional sacrifices, yes, and those who are afflicted with plain drudgery and boredom, may somehow know that we hold them in exceptional esteem. Perhaps if we are a little more conscious of our debt of honored affection they may be a little more aware of how much we think of them.”

Today, Armed Forces Day is celebrated annually on the third Saturday in May. Armed Forces Week starts on the second Saturday in May and ends on the third Sunday in May. At each Buchheit retail store, you can find Combat Wounded Warrior designated parking. This project is to demonstrate our respect and gratitude to those who have served in the armed forces. Recipients of the Purple Heart medal will be able to park in this space designated by the “combat wounded” sign and the purple parking space. These signs are provided by Wounded Warriors Family Support, an independent nonprofit organization, whose mission is to provide support to the families of the combat wounded warriors.

Buchheit is also proud to support Wreaths Across America. This was founded by Maine business, Morrill Worcester to continue and expand the annual wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington Nation Cemetery. The organization’s mission “remember, honor, teach” is carried out each year by coordinating wreath-laying ceremonies each December at Arlington, as well as hundreds of veterans’ cemeteries across the nation. Now a 501(c)(e) non-for-profit and national organization, they lay wreaths in over 900 cemeteries throughout the United States. Since 2015, Buchheit Logistics donated transports of wreaths to honor our fallen veterans and in 2016, Buchheit Logistics donated the transportation of two loads of wreaths. On National Wreaths Across America Day, the Buchheit family and team members laid wreaths on the tombstones of veterans in Missouri and Illinois.

Today and every day at Buchheit we honor our veterans and military with a Military Discount Program. We will never fully comprehend the extent of the sacrifice made by serving our country. By offering this additional discount it is our hope that veterans and active members of the military know how much we appreciate their sacrifice and service to this great country. Next time you visit your local Buchheit, visit the Customer Service desk for more information about our Military Discount Program.

We are especially grateful for our Buchheit team members who are additionally serving in the military. On Armed Forces Day, do not forget to say thank you to some of the men and women who are serving our country!