Are you looking for a great workout? Weed the garden! Weeds grow rapidly! A weed is defined as any undesired, uncultivated plant especially one growing in profusion. Waning soil fertility is a major cause of weed growth. When the soil is well conditioned with plenty of organic matter, weeds naturally stand less of a chance to establish. Many weeds thrive in soil that is lacking in some minerals and has an excess of others. Soils that are rich in organic materials are easily worked with fewer clods and, due to the bacteria-richness of healthy soils, weed seeds lose their viability sooner. 

The first line of defense is not taking on any more garden than what you can comfortably manage. This is an early shot of my garden a few years ago.  

Raised beds with drip-lines and row cover reduced weeding, but this was almost too much for me to manage.   

Here are some of my weeds. I hit it hard; got my heart rate up and reached my goal in 20 minutes. So can you! Take a section and just work it until it’s weed-free. It’s amazing how well a blitzkrieg works. Hit it hard and stay the course until you are finished. A sharp hoe that fits you helps! 

I take on a section of the garden each day no matter the weather as successful gardening requires diligence and great tools. The right tools can make all the difference and yes, Buchheit has a complete line of garden gadgets (and chemicals) to help you master those weeds!

Don’t quit! Have fun!

Annie May